Pink Fire Pointer Simple White Blouse

Simple White Blouse

During Me-Made-March, I have realized that I was missing blouses. Indeed, I have sewn quite a few dresses and skirts, but I have no self made top... And that is a pain, especially when I want to wear pants. I went on and sewn three blouses. Today, I am uncovering the first!

The first one that I have made is based on a plus-size dress pattern from Burdastyle. It was part of their wonderful "Dolce Vita" feature. There was not much to change, but shortening the skirt. The pattern was dead easy: let's cut, let's gather, let's sew! To add a touch of cuteness, I have added some white and blue facing.

We went to shoot the pictures on the first nice spring day, and it felt so good. When I look at them, I must admit that the blouse is not always the most flattering ever... Next time I use this pattern, I will do so with a knit, to get a nicer drape, especially from the bust down.

Anyway, I really like it because it is long enough to hide unflattering pants-views! It is also SO breezy and simple! You can pair it with so many colors!

PS: Man, I need my roots done!

Do you also sew more dresses and skirts than tops?
Is spring showing up where you are?